reflections and ideas on open and distance learning - by irwin devries

Time for time

Time goes by very differently when you are learning online. Time takes on a different character in online space as opposed to everyday three-dimensional reality. This is something of an adjustment for the participant. I think the online learning facilitator needs to have this in mind while working with learners in an online environment.

Usually our discussions among facilitators regarding time are confined to synchronicity and asynchronicity and perhaps schedules and timetables. However, there is some sense of disconnect when logging on and off, and fitting in online activities between the cracks of our lives…if we let it go that way.

This could be a good area for a phenomenological study–the experience of time among online learners. It takes some very intentional strategies to gain some sense of a rhythm and momentum, and to avoid having this experience taking a back seat to the contingencies of everyday life and work.

1 Comment

  1. B.J.

    Yes! It would be interesting to ask the ISWO participants if they actually followed through on the suggestion of marking off 6-8 hours each week for ISWO work… AND… if they stuck to it… if they made it part of their rhythm during the last 4 weeks or just tried to fit it in around other things.

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